Full-Stack Engineer at HockeyStack (S23)
$100K - $160K  •  0.20% - 0.40%
The operating system for inbound B2B revenue
San Francisco, CA, US
3+ years
About HockeyStack

HockeyStack is an analytics and attribution tool for B2B SaaS. It collects and helps analyze data from all parts of the SaaS customer journey - marketing, sales, and product engagement. Our goal is to make tracking and gaining insights from all this data easier and faster.

About the role
Skills: JavaScript, Node.js, SQL, Software Architecture, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

We are looking for ambitious people to build the core data platform for B2B revenue teams.

  • Grew from 0 to 7-figures revenue last year, became profitable
  • Raised from some of the greatest VCs - like General Catalyst and Madrona
  • First engineer hire is an ex-CTO that took a company to $900M valuation
  • Working in-person in SF, pushing new features every week, innovating in this stagnant space

Some of the cool technical work we do:

  • Building an agnostic schema and a data store for all B2B customer data (ie Snowflake for B2B)
  • Integrating with 30+ third-party data sources (like CRMs and ad networks) to sync millions of records every day
  • Automatically analyzing data using AI to generate insights from millions of datapoints
  • Building a fully dynamic SQL engine to read billions of rows in ad-hoc manner to return results in seconds
  • Scaling the infra every other month to handle 10x the load

Our backend is built upon Node.js and Express so you need to be very comfortable with Javascript. We use ClickHouse as our core analytics database and AWS as our hosting platform.

If interested, reach out to me directly at arda [at] hockeystack.com


We are continuously ingesting data from customer websites and also integrate with 25+ SaaS tools. Basically, we store a lot of data and have to make sense from it all. Our main technologies for the backend include NodeJS, AWS, and ClickHouse.

Interview Process

We don't have a convoluted hiring process.

  1. A screening call - We have a 45 minute screening call to meet and see if there’s an initial fit.
  2. A more in-depth technical interview - This is a 1-2 hour call that consists of some technical questions and a work sample test where we work on a very small piece of a project together to implement a feature. No leet code.
  3. Depending on how the technical interview goes, we can have you meet with the rest of the team and send you the offer.

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